Chow, et al (2005) using RFID technology to improve the efficiency of warehouse management. The study was to paste RFID Tag on inventory in the warehouse and installed RFID Reader in the truck in order to grasp the inventory and lorries position.
Ergen et al (2007) using RFID technology to enhance the efficiency of the production of materials management. This study used RFID Tag attached on materials and installed RFID Reader in factories. When the producer want to change strategy, they can quickly order new materials or returned items. Huang et al (2007) using RFID Tag for raw materials and the number of personnel in order to immediately grasp the plant raw materials and the number of personnel to improve efficiency.
Hontani et al (2004) RFID technology combined with image recognition technology to build the object activity recognition system. The research purpose for Krahnstoever et al (2005) is to avoid the theft and destruction of goods. The study was attached RFID Tag on the goods in order to determine whether the goods to be moved or destroyed, and also determine the customer's action to reduce loss.
Ting et al (2006) use RFID technology to improve the efficiency of shipping baggage management. De et al (2004) use RFID technology to track the location of production tools in the factory.
p., Basu, K. and Das S. K. (2004) An RFID based technique for handing object
distribution and recalls in pervasive transaction environments
Chow, H.K.H., Choy, L. K., Lee, W.B. and Lau, K. C., (2005) Design for RFID-based
resource management system for warehouse operation
E., Akinci, B. and Sacks, R. (2006) Life-cycle data management of
engineered-to-order components using radio frequency identification
H., Nakagawa, M., Kugimiya, T., Baba, K. and Sato, M. (2004) A visual tracking
system using an RFID-tag
R (2006) The role of networked RFID for driving the ubiquitous
N., Rittscher, J., Tu, P., Chean, K. and Tomlinson, T. (2005) Activity
recognition using visual tracking and RFID
Z., Zhang, X. and Yuanxin, O. (2006)A framework of networked RFID system
supporting location tracking
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